I truly didn't mean to go for a full year before posting again! I kept telling myself I had to post again before the year mark, and now it is past! I don't know what I do to keep myself so busy that I don't have time to do it, so I think it must be that I am too lazy to do it? I don't know, but I really think I will try and do better this year. ;) Now my problem is where do I start? Do I go back for the full year or just start from the beginning? I may do some back tracking, but probably not a whole lot. I missed a major milestone (the twins turning 1) that should be documented, but I don't even have that many pictures from that I don't think. Maybe my goal should be to take more pictures!
My sister-in-law is trying to get practice with her camera and offered to do family pictures for us! I was so thrilled because I had been wanting to do pictures but they are so dang expensive! So I was more than willing to help her out and get her some experience. I think we proved to be a handful for her with 2 babies, not to mention the fact that it was really windy and COLD; but she did an amazing job and I am so thankful for her for doing them! It's too hard to pick a very favorite and so many of them turned out fabulous, but here are a few of them.

Didn't she do an awesome job?!?! Thanks again Jessica!! :)