And what was Miles doing while his brother was being tortured -er I mean getting his hair cut?
Being photographed over and over by his favorite sister of course. I seriously have about 20 pictures of pretty much this exact picture. She gets a little camera happy. ;)
Cooper was next for a hair cut, and as you can see he didn't like it any more than Weston did! Haha!
Well, that was 2 months ago and now it is time for another haircut for Weston. I have been putting it off cuz it is so not fun, but it really needs done. Although, pulling up those pictures to put on here and seeing how long it really was makes me think we should be able to go for quite a while still cuz he hair isn't even half that long right now! If I could let it get that long once, why not again huh? ;)
So cute! He looks so different with shorter hair! Your little guys are so precious!
Holy cow, I knew his hair was long but I didn't realize it was that long in the back!! He sure is a good looking boy!
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